27.10.2024 – 17.11.2024


with Kerstin Abraham · Emmanuel Alexia · Ute Brade · Peter Callas · Claude Champy · Nani Champy Schott · Margaret Curtis · Pascal Geoffroy · Lena Kaapke · Young-Jae Lee · Uwe Löllmann · Keramische Werkstatt Margaretenhöhe · Helmut Menzel · Sebastian Pertl · Laetitia Pineda · Sebastian Scheid · Iris Schöne · Julian Stair · Volker Tiemann · Gotlind Weigel · Masamichi Yoshikawa

Wait and drink tea … page is still under construction

From August onwards, further works by the many artists in this exhibition will be on display here.

Exhibition opening on Sunday, 27 October 2024. The gallery is open from 11 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Small tea ceremony on Sonntag, 27.October.2024 um 4 p.m.. By prior appointment only.

The exhibition is open

  • Wednesday, 2.30 – 7 p.m.
  • Saturday, 2.30 – 6 p.m.
  • Sunday, 11 a.m. – 5 p.m.

and by prior appointment

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To Listen to the Clay
“The Anagama kiln, used to fire my work, serves as a tool for intangible qualities of spirit and energy. The centerpiece for experimentation that records the passage of time as effectively as accumulated strata in the cross-sections of earth.
Its ability to conjure in simple, rustic form the material transformations associated with time and the natural forces that return all things to their origins.”
Peter Callas

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Pascal Geoffroy finds his inspiration in the heart of the Causse de Larzac, an austere, karstified limestone plateau in southern France. To form the earth like chaotic rocks with their clefts. To crack it like the ancient, wind-tormented pines. To patinate the earth by fire with shades of smoke and ash. To keep the long firing awake with wood. To paint the pots with fire. The results should do justice to the energy invested. Pascal Geoffroy

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